A truly unique and highly personsalised experience

Personalisation of services has increased rapidly with the advent of digital services, tailoring content based on client engagement and preference. At Praemium, we are taking personalisation a step further by offering a truly unique and highly customised experience, one that people are increasingly expecting, especially from their wealth management.

To deliver a hyper-personalised experience involves really understanding an investor’s needs, values and preferences and capturing information about clients that is then used in a meaningful way to create a tailored advice service.

For many investors this involves both a customised investment solution and a personalised digital wealth experience and in the future is likely to form the cornerstone of an advice firm’s value proposition.

55% of investors

feel that the advice they receive is too generic

34% of investors

would increase their investments if they received a personalised experience

Your brand is your identity

Building a cohesive brand identity enhances recognition, fosters trust, and creates an emotional connection with your clients. It is foundational to building a successful and enduring business. Which is why we provide you with comprehensive tools to ensure the reports you share with your clients are in your brand.

While we help set you up, our Report Branding screens make maintaining fonts, colours, and logos are simple to use and mean you can keep your brand front and centre with everything you share with your clients.

Delivering a personalised experience with customised reporting

Praemium’s powerful reporting engine has been helping advisers keep their clients informed and engaged with a staggering 29 million reports run on the Praemium platform over the last decade.

Providing this level of detail and personalisation to all your clients is a challenge, but custom does not necessarily have to be complex or time-consuming. By leveraging the power of modern technology, advisers can personalise reports and deliver them to their clients’ own digital Investor Portal with the click of a button. We outline below some of the reporting tools Praemium offers to help you enhance your clients’ wealth management experience.

Fast, accurate, comprehensive, customisable

Investors are increasingly demanding reporting that is personalised and relevant.

With Praemium, we provide you with full control of how you deliver information to your clients. You can choose from a suite of off-the-shelf reports, which can be augmented with your own merged commentary and content. Better still, only with Praemium can you use your own client reports, merge in data sourced directly from your client's portfolios on Praemium, and export as your own template.

And our simple-to-use reporting tools can get your reports to your clients individually or en masse in seconds.

Client reports generated in the last 10 years


10.6m tax reports

ATO-ready tax summaries, plus detailed income, expense and CGT reports


6.5m performance reports

Detailed performance, asset allocation and security contribution reporting


6.1m valuation reports

Investment summaries, valuations, liquidity and ESG insight reporting

ESG—align your clients investment goals with their values

Providing an investment strategy that aligns with their values is increasingly important for today's investors and provides another opportunity for quality engagement. Our Environment Social and Governance (ESG) filters allow the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding about your clients’ values and attitudes to ethical investing that further reinforces the adviser-client relationship.

Praemium has been at the forefront of providing ESG platform solutions for advisers and offers a breadth of choice to create an ethical investment solution that best suits your clients' unique ethical requirements. 

Investment Solutions

We have a range of ethical investment options allowing you to build bespoke portfolios, and access specialist ESG strategies via the Praemium SMA and Praemium SuperSMA.

Our investment menu for ethical investments includes ETFs, Listed Investment Companies (LICs), Managed Funds and model portfolios from some of the world’s leading investment managers including well-known names such as Australian Ethical, Vanguard, Betashares, AXA, and Pendal. Access our latest PDS for more information on these. Or view our most up-to-date fund listings. 

Having the option to outsource to an investment manager who is applying their own ethical investment philosophy to a portfolio and keeping up to date on all the latest ethical research can certainly help with delivering an ethical investment option to your clients, but it may not suit every client.

This is why Praemium has developed innovative functionality to negatively screen portfolios on the basis of ethical considerations in bulk, efficiently and accurately at the touch of a button. The screening service increases the available solutions advisers have to deliver on client ethical investment objectives, whether they elect to build bespoke custom portfolios, utilise an existing SMA with the screening services or invest in specialised ESG strategies.

ESG screening & customisation

Holding exclusions on the platform has often been used to exclude stocks for meeting ESG purposes. The single stock blocking approach can be time-consuming and requires ongoing research and updating of preferences to deal with changes at the stock level.

Praemium offers a scalable way to satisfy investors' ESG preferences and the opportunity to build a deeper relationship by engaging on issues that are of importance to clients. 

Scalable ESG filtering technology

Praemium has partnered with leading ESG research house Sustainalytics to integrate ESG research & analysis into our platform to allow investors to tailor their portfolios to their own specific ethics and values.

There are nine screening criteria that allow advisers to screen their client portfolios from exposure to companies involved according to the ESG Category Exclusions provided by Sustainalytics.

The functionality is quick, intuitive and easy to apply. Simply select the categories you want to exclude from your client portfolios.
